Classroom Staff
About our classroom staff
Our classroom staff are vitally important to help our pupils learn the skills they need to become as independent as possible in later life. The school is split into three phases with multiple classes often split over multiple rooms. There are four different types of staff working in our classrooms.
Classroom Leaders-Sometimes our tutors gain such considerable experience and expertise that they are able to run a class themselves. To reach this point they will have worked their way through our challenging training programme and may be considering training as a teacher or a BCBA. Classroom managers are supported by teachers and BCBA's on an ongoing basis.
Classroom Teachers-Classroom Teachers have obtained QTS and will usually run a class split over 1-2 rooms. Classroom teachers will receive considerable additional training in the methodologies used at Chatten Free School and will receive support from BCBA's
Senior tutors-Senior tutors have usually been with us for a little while or have experience in working with our pupils. Senior tutors are line managed by the teacher or leader but support in leading the tutors in that class. Senior tutors act as a 'second in command' for a class and often respond to challenging situations and/or provide direct training to tutors.
Tutors-tutors work directly with the pupils' day in and day out. They implement learning programmes and collect data. Tutors receive constant supervision and support from teachers, classroom managers, Senior Tutors, BCBA's and therapists. They also receive in depth training before they start working in the classroom.